What do I need to wear to class?

For barre classes, you should wear pants, leggings or capris that you can move comfortably in (no shorts) and a top that covers your midriff. You can also wear sticky socks to help retain your body’s heat, as well as prevent your feet from sliding on the floor, or you can go barefoot if you prefer. For Strength + Sculpt and Boot Camp classes, you should wear something that is comfortable to move in and sneakers.


What do I need to bring to class?

We’ll have all the equipment you’ll need here at the studio, so just bring a bottle of water and a positive attitude! We do ask that you not bring your cell phones into class with you, or silence them before entering, as this can be distracting to the teacher and your fellow classmates.

What if I haven’t worked out in a while? Is this workout for me?

We all have to begin somewhere, right?! Our instructors are happy to offer options for any exercises during the workout. If you feel like you need another option, just let the instructor know. Listen to your body as you ease back in to working out, and feel free to take breaks as needed. You’ve got this!

What if I have an injury or physical limitation?

If you have any injuries or limitations, please let you instructor know at the the beginning of class or send us a message before your class. We are happy to offer you modifications for any exercises you may need. As with any workout, if you are uncertain if barre is right for you, please consult with your doctor first.